Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Club Waters, take one

A week on club Waters

Day one Friday. Thornton Abbey.

Les and myself fished the " point pegs " today. We both fished the magot feeder, and i alternated between groundbait feeder.

Rudd and skimmers were the call of the day. All fell to red and white maggot. In all i had about 20 odd fish, average size about ¾lb. The fish are in pristine condition. Thornton Abbey is a new water to our club, and a very welcomed place. Excelent surrounding with easy to reach pegs. We called a halt to procedings early as Les had been up from 3am for airport duties.

Day two, Saturday

Back to Thornton Abbey today, this time we went on the first pegs on the fishery. The water was a bit shallow with a lot of weeds, i moved to a deeper peg, no weed in sight,

Fished the maggot feeder again. Rudd and roach yet again, The weather was very hot, and the fishing slow, but not to worry another good day fith me landing some decent fish

Day three Sunday Mill View Fishery

Mill View Fishery.

An intimate fishery with a good stock of fish, roach, skimmers F1s and the i do kow for a fact ONE CHUB, cos i caught it before, LoL.

Les opted for the floating bread today, i fished the waggler and feeder. As usuak the roach and skimmer abounded. Fish a chuck. Les got the better fish of the day, a fine common of 10pounds in the net.
Day three, Monday Trent Haven

Another new fishery for our club, great place with easy access to pegs and pur[pose made wheelchair friendly pegs.

I fished the maggot feeder and wagger. Bob joined us today. The weather was terrible high winds which made the waggler fishing neigh on imposible. It must have been because Bob packed up at around 1PM and thats not him,!

Les and myself struggled on dispite the wind changing direction which seemed like every chuffing minute, one thi g i will say is this, whever said fish wirth the wind in your face is the way, forget it, it does not work. We did get fish, some cracking roach in pristine condition, but the high winds got the better and we called a halt to procedings.

Day four,Tuesday

Trent haven, stayed away from Thornton Abbey due to an IFCF mag piece being done about the place with our club. High winds again today. And at times heavy showers. Another decent day on the maggot feeder, with the roach being the main species landed.

We took time off to do a bit of a work party, we helped clear a tree of over hanging branches from the disabled platform. Stu, our clubs web site man is wheelchair bound and he was there with his carer cutting back the branches, Les and i gave a hand to ease the work for the carer.

Again the waggler was neigh on impossible due to the winds, but not to worry, another day on a cracking venue.

Day five, back to Trent Haven.

Maggot feeder fishing and waggler fishing yet again, The weather was roasting, red hot with temps to 25c,

Brollies were put up to protect us from the sun, we complain when the sun does not show and then complain when it does, LoL. The fishing was slow to desperate today, the fish were topping but they were not feedeing, i fished the waggler up in the water, but only had a few fish, same on the maggot feeder, not a lot of fish, that was after therr days fising the same location on the water, plenty of feed in, maybe to much, who knows, ,

Last day, back to Mill View Fishery.

Yet another slowish day. I fished the margins on the waggler, fishing red maggot and white maggot. I landed a load of small stuff, roach, skimmers nothing flash, got sick of them so put the feeder out to the island, nothing, not a bite, so i alternated between the feeder and the waggler. Les fished the floating breat tactis for the carp, he did land two today. We packed up at about 3pm.

Another great week on our club waters with some great new venues added for our pleasure. I met some new chums, namely Stu our web site geezer.