Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Nprfolk Broads

Hickling Broad

Great week on the house boat, and what a storm we had on Tuesday, winds of 50MPH +, the bloody boat was tossed about like a matchstick. Great fun tho, LoL

Anyway here's the man who got the most fish, PLUMBOB,

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To say the fishing was hard is an understatement. I ended up with two fish, Les had just one roach and Bob had seven. But it was great fun on the Broads. The place is so scenic, i was in raptures with all the thatched roofs, :fishing2:

The walk to the pegs was unacceptable, totally unacceptable, i mean look at the walk to my peg from the boat :censored:

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My second fish

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And Les on his peg

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Twas great to meet up with Claire and Julz, the text i got mate my hair stand on end LMAO.
The holiday was a grerat release from my recent health problems, a great way to relax. The comapny was spot on, the boat was spot on, the location was spot on, but the fishing !! very hard.
We had white maggot, red maggot bronze maggot and worms for bait, pinkies and squats, not a fish was taken on worm, I had my usual halibut groundbait laced with pinkies.
I was feeding small amount on a regular basis but to no avail, There was a considerable undertow on the water for about three days, One morning the water was very calm, but that soon changed within a couple of hours.
Les and Bob had their float rods set up, when they failed to catch i did not set my float rod up, i dodnt think there was a fish taken on the float.

I would like to thank Les very much for the pick up and drop off, what a guy, Thanks Les.

Here's the storm from inside the boat, LoL

Clicky forThe Storm